This is your Project Highlight page of some our recent clients. Mostly we provide services , supply parts and deliver multi packages of our client needs.


Semi-Submersible Floating Production System (FPS) Project
Supply of multi-packages with design, fabricate, test and delivery of :
HPU (Hydraulic Power unit) & Riser Isolation Valves Control Panel - (Package 32)
To Design, Fabrication, Coating Assembly, Testing and Delivery of Two (2) Hydraulic Power Units (HPU) and MISC Panels for HULL.
HPU & Boarding Valves Control Panels (BVCP) - (Package 32A)
Design, Fabrication, Coating Assembly, Testing and Delivery of Two (2) fully Functional Hydraulic Power Units (HPU) and five (5) Boarding Valve Control Panel (BCP).
HPU & Riser Isolation Valves (RIV) - (Package 32B)
Design, Fabrication, Coating Assembly, Testing and Delivery of Riser Isolation Valve (RIV) Hydraulic Power Units (HPU) and RIV Control Panel.

Phase 2 Developement Project, Block PM 304
Supply of design, fabricate and delivery of 86 NOS of Manual & Actuated Choke Valves in Block PM 304 Cendor Phase 2 Project for :
CDW - A Wellhead Platform - 20 pcs
CDW - B Wellhead Platform - 38pcs
CDW - C Wellhead Platform - 28pcs
Size from 2"- 6", Rating 1500#
Angle Choke with Piston Linear Actuator, External Sleeve with Tungsten Carbide Trims.

Jacket UCS-Upending Control Systems
Design, Test, Supply and Commissioning of the Jacket Upending Control Systems (UCS) on the Eldfisk II 2/7S Jacket structure and the supply of 4 No. ROV operated flood valves for the Bridge Support Jacket structure.
The Bridge Support Jacket ia a 4-Leg structure, which is design to be lift installed. All jacket legs have single compartments and will be flooded during installation to assist on bottom-stability.
The 2/7S Jacket is an 8-leg structure with 2 No. Flotation Tanks. All Jacket legs will be flooded during installation to achieve upending and obtain on-bottom stability. The 4 main legs will be subdivided into 3 compartments. The 4 internal legs will not be subdivided. Each of the Flotation Tanks will be subdivided into 15 compartments, The structure is designed to be barge launched.